Top 5 Quick Self Care Tips

It's not easy looking after yourself when there's soo much to give to your littles! When I became a mum, I quickly realised I have to decide to make it a priority. And over the years, I have found that to be more and more true. I can no longer squeeze it in while my baby is playing on her play mat, because now she's in my kitchen asking me 101 questions so here are my top 5 self care tips!


by Alana Grace

9/23/20246 min read

woman carrying baby
woman carrying baby

Self care is everywhere these days. It’s become such a hot trend, but honestly, I for one believe it should just be a part of every single day. Especially as a busy mum to 3 little ones, I know it’s not easy looking after yourself when there’s soo much to give to your littles! When I became a mum, I quickly realised I have to decide to make it a priority. And over the years, I have found that to be more and more true as life gets busier and busier. Now that my babies have gone from happily playing on their play mat to bossing me around in the kitchen and asking 101 questions, I know it can be so hard to squeeze it in somewhere without a little person wanting a turn trying on your face mask *sigh. I’ve been tempted to tell myself to wait a few years to even consider making it a thing for myself, but god knows I need self care during this busy season more than ever. And who knows, maybe this "season" will last longer than I realise. So, with that, here are my favourite personal self-care go-to practices that I can easily slip into my every day - wild kids and all.

Number 1 - face balm

OH. MY. GOD. Can someone please tell me why I didn’t know about this hack sooner!? Gone are the days of makeup remover wipes or cotton pads and micellar water. I used to enjoy my night routine, but honestly these days, I am so bloody pooped I just cbf. With face balm, all you do is get a bit on your fingers, and go straight into the makeup on your face and massage into your skin and over your eyes. It literally removes makeup and cleans your skin - at the same time. What the actual!? Then you just rinse with warm water and boom, you’re done in a matter of seconds. Less waste. Less time. It’s a heaven send honestly.

My absolute fave (cos it smells like a flower bed and feels like a day spa) is this beautiful Banila Clean It Zero Cleansing face balm 🥰

Number 2 - Go out in nature - and bring the babies.

Put your bare feet on the grass, throw down a picnic blanket, lie down on the earth and breathe. Literally just feel your body on the ground, lying on this planet rotating constantly flying through space. It is the most grounding feeling. Sometimes when the day is just really chaotic and there’s just shit everywhere, I walk outside and tell everyone to come with me, and I throw out the picnic blanket and bring some snacks. Everyone gets super excited and the fresh air, change of scenery and the feel of the earth under your feet is just what you need to cut through the crazy energy. It’s grounding and refreshing. And the kids can get rid of all their restless energy by running around and burning it off.

Number 3 - music

All mums know when you’re parenting, there’s literally no escape. Even if you feel like sitting on the couch and chucking on another episode of Love Island, your little ones just won’t allow for it (lol). So what I’ve found helps me most when I really need a break is to change the vibe by telling Alexa to throw on a banger. Even if I don’t get into dancing, or the girls request something like I’m a little teapot which is not exactly my vibe, it doesn’t matter. Even just no screen and any music is enough to lift everyone’s mood a little, including mine. But - I can usually convince them to listen to a bit of Tay Tay anyway so usually it’s a win win and it perks me up enough to get through and usually enjoy those last long hours of the afternoon!

Do yourself a favour and get yourself an Alexa and hire her as your PA (if you haven't already) - we've got 3 lol

Number 4 - give yourself a mini facial

Now I know I just said I cbf doing a proper night routine anymore. Which is true. But, something else I’ve had to can during my mum years is massages or facials. Honestly even if I find the time, it’s also the cost I just can’t quite come to terms with lately. But I’ve found doing a simple eye mask, or even using a guasha at night with a candle in the bathroom is relaxing enough to make me feel like my old self again. It’s honestly these little moments that make me feel like I haven’t had to completely give everything up just for my kids. So sometimes it’s necessary. Do yourself a favour and do one tonight after the kids go to bed. Trust me you’ll feel amazing for it.

Here's a few self-care items for some inspo:

Guasha tool
Under eye patches
Face mask

Number 5 - shift your mindset and prioritise yourself

This is a biggie. A tough one, but a biggie. It’s something I’ve alluded to through this entire article, really. But mindset truly is everything. I used to hate hearing it because honestly though - this is so hard!? So why are you telling me to change my mind about that, because you can’t tell me it’s not true! Well that is true. Yes, this is the reality at the moment. It’s f***ing busy. Messy. Overstimulating. Exhausting. Yeah.

But, what I didn’t get was, mindset a lot of the time is just a decision. It’s a choice to support yourself - through this hard time. Not to just shrug your shoulders and give up on yourself *this sucks. That’s accepting the situation, for sure. But honestly, take it a step further. Okay yeah. It sucks I can’t just lay on the couch and kick back when I want to anymore. I can’t just go out with friends or go on a date, I have to plan it weeks in advance and organise a baby sitter. I don’t even know where my cute undie vibe went. All I wear now are my original maternity undies - and don’t even get me started on my bra situation. But, with a few small choices, and the decision to make better choices, you quickly realise you DO have more control over the situation than you think. You CAN budget in for new undies. You just spent 100 bucks on yet more princess dresses for the girls which, did they really need? Why not spend $40 or $50 on new undies for yourself? Seriously? And date night? Okay so what. You have to wait a couple weeks. It’s no longer spontaneous. Big. Deal. Lock it in. Make the plan. It’s on the calendar. Keep it there. And it’ll come up so fast you’ll thank yourself for shifting your mindset and organising it.

Super cute brain power book by the amazing Lisa Messenger is perfect to have on your bedside or even in a spot close to where you spend a lot of your family time like the lounge room or kitchen

So I challenge you to challenge yourself. Make that decision. Write out ways you can make yourself feel better about your life as a mum. You’re the leader of your family. You deserve it. Cos that’s a bloody big role to have. You give SO much. So you need to reward yourself even MORE so. That’s just my opinion. And honestly, I am super guilty of forgetting to do that for myself too. So let’s all remind ourselves of it.

Sending good vibes only,

Lans x

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